
to see young people experience a divine encounter with Jesus Christ, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and become demonstrators of his supernatural power and love in their day to day lives.


As a Church we aim to create an environment where young people are able to be open, honest and have the freedom to discuss issues they may be facing. We also aim to create events and opportunities for young people to maximize their gifts and talents for the glory of God and to demonstrate his love through the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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We want to see Youth leaders and young people coming together to build meaningful relationships in order to teach and impart the life of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and impact the local community with the transforming message of his love.


To equip and encourage each young person to share the gospel through training in personal witness.


To build and maintain a team of reliable and fully trained youth pastors.


To provide young people with opportunities to develop their leadership skills for Christian ministry.


To equip every young person attending WGMI – YYAM with the knowledge and skills to sustain their Christian lives in adulthood.


To ensure there are adequate resources to develop the YYAM.


To unite young people across the Church and beyond to form a revival of true Godliness throughout London and the wider community.


Meeting times


Ages 12-18 meet every other Sunday

For more Info please use the contact form below
